Dear Parishioners,
St. Rose of Lima is in a very serious financial situation. Months of cancelled Sunday Masses have left us with little by way of the financial resources we need to operate. I am grateful for the support you can give.
We will be utilizing eGiving. It is simple and straightforward. You may contribute by credit or debit card or by electronic debit to your checking or savings account. Simply enter your gift amount, your gift date and payment method.
I strongly urge you to consider using eGiving for regular Auto Offertory Sunday contributions. Auto Offertory brings consistency to St. Rose's donations. While our revenues are often seasonal, our costs are not. During this unprecedented time, we continue to incur operating costs. St. Rose is always here for you.
AUTO OFFERTORY setup click here:
I want to thank our parishioners who are currently contributing through our auto offertory program as well as those who continue to send in their donations by mail. These donations and our regular envelope system make a real difference for St. Rose, especially now. Your gift to St. Rose and any extra sacrifice during these difficult days are most needed and appreciated.
Fr. Larry Evans