PHONE: 973-379-3912 ~ FAX: 973-379-5356

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16


Welcome to the
St. Rose of Lima Life Lighters

The Life Lighters of St. Rose of Lima is a group that encourages senior men and women of our parish to meet on the second Monday of the month. At every meeting we are entertained by an informative program - whether about safety in our homes, phone scams, health emergency awareness, arm chair yoga and many more topics of interest. 

We invite you to become a member of the St. Rose of Lima Life Lighters. We also welcome anyone interested to join us for a meeting.

Meeting Dues are ($20) and are payable at our September meeting. Please make checks payable to Life Lighters of St. Rose of Lima.

We look forward to seeing you!

For more information, please contact:
Director: Francesca Fabrizio
(908) 400-0781


2023-2024 Meeting Schedule
The Life Lighters Meetings are held at 11:00AM on the second Monday of each month. Meetings are held in Ryan Hall. Please note: Meeting dates may may change for national holidays when senior bussing is not available.
September 11
Meet & Greet

October 16
Guest Speaker, Joel Farkas
Paintings in American History

November 13
Annual Tricky Tray
Please set aside your nice things for donations. Items may be dropped off
to the Devine Center or brought in on the day of the event.

Wednesday, December 6
Annual Christmas Luncheon

The luncheon will be held at Baltusrol Golf Club in Springfield.

- 2024 -
Programs for the following dates to be announced.

January - No Meeting

February 12

March 11

April 8

May 13

June 10
Installation Mass and Luncheon



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